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Bus Rider Guidelines


(including but not limited to)

Waiting on the Bus

  • Students need to be at the bus stop when the bus arrives.  To assure your child does not miss the bus, it is recommended students be at the bus stop 5-7 minutes before the scheduled pick-up time. Failing to be on time or delaying the bus may result in loss of bus privileges.
  • Students must be at their assigned stop as established by the bus driver.  Students who are at a different stop may not be picked up.
  • Stand on the sidewalk or back from the roadway while waiting for the bus.
  • Stand clear of the bus until it comes to a complete stop.  When the bus approaches, prepare to load immediately.  If a student does not ride for 5 days in a row we will no longer stop at that bus stop. Parents will need to call Transportation to have the stop reinstated.
  • Bus drivers are not permitted to have conversations with parents at the bus stop.
  • Parents are not permitted to board the school bus.

Boarding the Bus

  • Students must board the bus from the school they attend.
  • Quickly board the bus in an orderly manner and be seated immediately.
  • Do not push, shove or crowd in any way.
  • Use the handrail and steps.

Conduct on the Bus

The school bus is an extension of the classroom; students are required to follow the policies and procedures outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.

  • Respect and obey the bus driver, monitor and other school personnel at all times.
  • Use classroom voices and never yell inside or to others outside the bus.
  • Aisles are to be kept clear at all times.
  • Face forward and remain seated while the bus is in operation. Students must sit with their backs against the backrest. Leaning towards the window or aisle is not allowed.
  • Respect other passengers by keeping hands and feet to yourself at all times.
  • Hands, head, arms, etc. are never allowed outside of the bus window.
  • Do not damage or vandalize the bus or the property of others.
  •  Students may not throw any object, including trash or paper, from either inside or outside of the bus.  Please place all trash into the trash can provided.
  • Eating and drinking on the bus is prohibited. Students may bring water in a closeable water bottle. (no Yeti style drinking cups)
  • GUM CHEWING is not allowed on the bus.
  • Bus drivers may assign seats as they deem suitable for safe and efficient operation of the bus.

Departing the Bus

  • Stay seated until the bus is completely stopped.
  • Do not push, shove or crowd in any way.
  • Use handrail and steps.
  • After exiting the bus, walk away; do not stand next to or walk toward the bus.  If any article drops or rolls near or under the bus, do not go after it!  Go to the door of the bus and ask the driver for help.

Crossing the Street

  • Students are expected to cross the street in front of the bus - NEVER cross in the back of the bus.
  • Students are expected to look at the driver and check both directions before crossing the street.

Guest Student Rider:

  • No guest riders at this time. 

Band Instruments, Athletic Equipment and Personal Belongings:

  • All personal belongings such as backpacks, athletic equipment, books, class projects or musical instruments MUST be able to be held in student’s lap or under the seat.  Items MUST be kept from the aisles. Due to interfering with the driver’s ability to see out of the back window. Students with larger instruments will likely be assigned a seat in the front of the bus to protect the students in the aisle seats.

Electronic Devices:

  • Each driver will determine the use of electronic devices (age and bus behavior will play into this decision).  However, students are NOT allowed to share electronic devices with other students. Disciplinary action may be taken if a student is caught sharing an electronic device with another student.  Students MUST wear headphones/earbuds if they listen to music. Absolutely, no pictures or videos may be taken on the bus!

Bus Route Changes:

  • Due to growth in our school district, routes may change throughout the school year.  We understand consistency is important however we cannot predict the number of new bus riders coming into the district.  Please keep in mind that we try to make all routes the most efficient and safest for your student and the driver. Please be patient with the driver and the transportation department should any changes occur, as we have to adjust to the changes also.

Bus Stop Changes

  • To change stop locations, parents from both parties must notify Transportation at least 24 hours in advance.